Face Mapping for Beginners | Aloe Curves

Our bodies have a wonderful way of telling us what it needs. Internal struggles will almost always debut themselves externally. It can come in the form of tension in your body, anxiousness, skin inflammation and acne! Did you know jawline acne can indicate stress and on your forehead could be centered around digestive issues. Check out this Acne Face Map:

Listening to your body, paying attention to changes with your body and skin and paying attention to aches, pains and tensions are great indicators that you need more. Stress and Anxiety has to exit, so take a moment and ask yourself:

  • How are you doing?

  • What do you need?

  • How do you know when you need more water?

  • How do you know when you need more veggies?

  • Can you tell when you need rest or when you need a good stretch?

We challenge you to make a list and get the answers to these questions. Knowing what your body needs can help with maintaining balance and can keep your mental health more stable. We recommend making this apart of your daily routine. If you’re one who swears by a to-do list, place this at the top!

How To Fix Your Skin Issues:

If you’ve went too long without checking your inventory and it’s shown up on your skin we recommend trying the Neem Jungle Skin Care Line, especially our Safari Dark Oil + Safari Alcohol-Free Astringent. These were results from one of our customers who’s skin has changed as a result of many life changes. She stopped took an inventory and started replacing things in her routine with plant-based options. Look at her results!

We’ve added Vitamin E to our dark spot oil to seal in moisture or after you use a moisturizer. The Dark spot oil will help you challenge those annoying scars that refuse to minimize. Pair it with our Safari Jungle Rub to help rub away impurities, remove oil and open your pores. It’s like an Ah-haaaaaaaah and refresher for your face.

Remember if your life is shifting, it will show up in your body in some form. For many, it’s very present in the skin and we want to help with that!